A Happy Life - It's All You Really Want, Isn't It?


with Mrs. Ilana Cowland (London/Jerusalem)

Program details, for Wednesday, the 14 July

19:00 – 20:30

How To find The Right Partner?

For Singles, Couples and Everyone Who Wants To Build Strong Relationships

20:30 – 22:00

Ladies Night (For Girls Only!!!)
  • Ask questions which bother you but you did not dare to ask
  • Get advice and consulting on improving your own relationship
  • Share your thoughts in a familiar environment

Wir beginnen uns am 14. Juli um 19:00 Uhr in den Räumen der Jüdischen Gemeinde Frankfurt/ Jewish Community (Savignystr. 66). Lerne neue Leute kennen und triff alte Freunde! Bringe Deine Bekannten und Geschwister mit! Für Verköstigung wird gesorgt!

Der Shiur wird in English sein. Frau Cowland spricht aber auch Ivrit. Falls du weitere Fragen hast, dann Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!.

About our guest speaker: Mrs. Ilana Cowland was educated in london and has a degree in Jewish Studies and a diploma in counseling from London University.  whilst in London, she and her family were involved in the building of the Aish UK branch where she ran the women's division and supervised college education.  In 2004, the Cowlands moved to Jerusalem, where they now reside.  Whilst there, Mrs. cowland was the principal of an American Seminary for 3 years.  Mrs. Cowland is an international lecturer on the topic of women in judaism with a specific focus on marriage and relationships.

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