Freitag, 13. Nov. - Sonntag, 15. Nov. |
- Gesamt: Studenten: 20 € / Berufstätige: 32 €
- Pro Tag: Studenten: 13 € / Berufstätige: 24 €.
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Jewish Experience & Morasha Frankfurt Hessen, Jüdische Gemeinde Frankfurt präsentieren Shabbat Experience Diamanten. Nazijäger. Yaron Svoray (Israel) und Maimon Danan (Frankreich)
Datum: 13.-15. November | Start: 17:30 Uhr
Anmeldung bis 08.11. über das Formular: HIER
Im Programm:
- „A Spy Inside the Belly of the Beast“
The story of a son of Holocaust survivors posing as a neo- Nazi sympathizer to infiltrate the highest echelons of this murderous organization and bring them to justice. How does a neo-Nazi terrorist organization function? What do they want? How will they try to accomplish it? And-how do we stop them? What qualities must an ordinary man have to volunteer to undertake these extraordinary dangers,and what qualities must we have to face what life throws at us.
- „Finding Hidden World War II Treasures“
Buried diamonds in a foxhole, forged money at the bottom of a lake, coinsburied in the center of a Polish city, Kristallnacht plunder in a German forest, jewelry at the edge of a concentration camp, or the smudged diary notes of a German soldier suggesting a vastness of stolen Nazi loot. Each episode a storyworthy of an entire lecture, but seamlessly knitted together, one operation leading to another.
- "The 3rd Intifada and the rise of ISIS. What’s next?"
The Mideast seems to be on the verge of an explosion, Russia in Syria, Isis in Iraq, refugees flooding Europe and the growing violence between the Palestinians and Israeli's. Does any of this make sense? Are the events linked to each other, who are theplayers? What do they want? And the most important question everyone asks is: can the situation change for the better? Yaron Svoray an Investigative journalist, an author, a public speaker and aworld renewed expert on terrorist organization, who lectures to police and intelligence around the globe will explain where the Middle East, Europe and America stand and what he knows of events behinds the scenes.This is a well-informed, fascination talk about what is happening in front of our eyes and much more what is happening in the darker rooms and field of battle which very few know about.
- Filmabend “Blood From a Stone" am Samstag Abend
- Gemeinsames Ausgehen
Sonntag: Laser Tag
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Teilnehmerbeitrag: Gesamt: Studenten: 20 € / Berufstätige: 32 € / Pro Tag: Studenten: 13 € / Berufstätige: 24 € / Unterkunft auf Anfrage.
Freitag, 13.11
16:20 - Kerzenzünden
Icebreaker mit Leila und Konsta
17:00 - Einführung mit Mammon Danan
18:00 - Kabbalat Schabbat mit Maimon Danan
19:00 - Seuda & Dvar Torah von Meir
20:15 - „Finding Hidden World War II Treasures“ mit Yaron Svoray
21:15- Spiele&Oneg Schabbat
Schabbat, 14.11
9:30 - Schacharit mit Maimon Danan
11:30 - Feierliche Mahlzeit
13:00 - 14:00„A Spy Inside the Belly of the Beast“ mit Yaron Svoray
14:00 - 15:30Freizeit / Spiele
15:30 - Mincha
16:00 - Seuda Schlischit mit Dvar Torah & Singen
17:35 - (Schabbatausgang)
18:00 - Havdalah mit Maimon Danan
18:00 - 19:30 - Filmvorführung "Blood from a stone" & Diskussionen mit Yaron Svoray
ab 21:00 - Wizzo-Basar
Sonntag, 15.11
10:00 - Frühstück interaktiv mit Leila
Waffeln: Obst, Pudderzucker, Marmelade, Nuttela
Tomaten, Gurken, Käse
11:00 - 12:30 - "The 3rd Intifada and the rise of ISIS. What’s next?"
13:30 - 14:30 - LASER TAG
Über Yaron Svoray:
Yaron Svoray is Yaron Svoray an Israeli former police detective, author, and lecturer, most notable for his work against Neo-Nazis. Svoray infiltrated German Neo-Nazi groups, contributed to the arrest of Nazi war criminal Erich Priebke, and has also been active in searching for treasure looted by the Nazis.
Svoray's father, Yehuda Soberski, was born in Germany, and moved to Mandatory Palestine with his family in 1938. The rest of the Soberski family perished in the Holocaust. His mother, Rachel Stern, was born in Egypt and moved with her family to Romania when she was a child. Most of her relatives died in the Holocaust and she fled to Mandate Palestine with some of her family in 1943. Svoray was born in Israel, and was conscripted into the Israel Defense Forces. He did his military service in the Paratroopers Brigade, and later worked as a detective in the Israeli Central Police Command.
He traveled to the USA where he earned his Bachelor and master's degree in Media and communication, and worked as a journalist and a lecturer..
In the early 1990s, he went undercover inside the German Neo Nazi organization. He convinced them that he was an Australian neo-Nazi named Ron Furey who wanted to join the German Neo Nazis. Svoray's investigation brought him into contact with key neo-Nazi leaders. His book “In Hitler's Shadow" revealed a surprisingly large network of seemingly normal middle-class citizens who subscribe to the Nazi platform of racial hatred and superiority, anti-Semitism, and Holocaust denial. The book was translated into many languages. Svoray discovered several instances of police collaboration with the extremists. Furthermore, there was evidence that the German groups had managed to forge links with similar groups in South America and the United States. Svoray’s book In Hitler’s Shadow was later adapted into a 1995 HBO special, ‘‘The Infiltrator, starring Oliver Platt as Svoray.
While working undercover Yaron discovered that a Nazi war criminal Erich Priebke who participating in the massacre at the Ardeatine caves in Rome escaped to South America and lived there under an assumed name. The intelligence he gathered facilitated in the capture and arrest of Priebke.
To the general public Svoray is probably best known for his hunt of Nazi era diamonds. Svoray’s search was documented on the History Channel’s special Blood from a Stone, which was based on the book, Blood from a Stone, written by Yaron Svoray and published by the Tor Books division of St. Martin’s Press.
Svoray next book was the book Gods of Death’’ published in 1997 by Simon & Schuster. The book is an account of Svoray’s hunt for the source of and sense behind the snuff film which he witnessed while undercover inside the Neo Nazi movement. This time Svoray presented himself as a middleman first for buyers and then for dealers of snuff films, trying to fake his way into the highly secretive industry, at several points running afoul of the Russian mob in Israel and various criminal organizations in the US and Southeast Asia.
In 2007, Svoray found the dumping ground for the destroyed remains of Jewish property plundered during Kristallnacht. The dump, situated in a forest in Brandenburg, is the size of several football fields it is thought to contain an extensive range of personal and ceremonial items, although only a small number of items have been dug up so far.
In 2013 Yaron and his team began a search for boxes full of Gold dumped into Lake Stolpsee in Germany. This project is was filmed by “National Geographic”.
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