Am Sonntag, 24.März 12:30 Latino-Purim-Megilla-Lesung & Essen & Cocktails

FB Anzeige Quadrat smallLiebe Freunde! Purim ist die Zeit der Freude! Lasst uns dieses Mal in die lateinamerikanische Welt eintauchen!

Verbringt einen unglaublichen Nachmittag mit Euren Freunden in Frankfurt beim
Zeit und Ort: Sonntag, 24. März um 12:30 Uhr in Makkabi Shalom (Ginnheimer Landstraße 49, 60487 Frankfurt am Main)
Euch erwarten:
✅ Megillat Esther Lesung mit Alex Adler

✅ Unvergessliches Fest im lateinamerikanischen Stil
✅ Leckeres Latino Essen & Cocktail Bar
✅ Professionelles Photoshooting
✅ Mishloach Manot 
✅ Musik und schöne Zeit mit Freunden
Motto: Latino, Lateinamerika, Verkleidung erwünscht:-)
Wir freuen uns, Euch zu sehen! ❤ Euer Jewish Experience Team
Anmeldung bis Montag, den 18.03.2023
Teilnehmerbeitrag mit Rabatt: Studenten 10 €; Berufstätige 25 €
Realer empfohlener Preis für die, die es sich leisten können: 40 €, Spenden sind wollkommen.  SPENDE HIER

When: Sunday, March 24th at 12:30 PM Where: Makkabi Shalom

  • Megillah reading with Alex Adler
  • Unforgettable celebration in Latin American style
  • Delicious latino meal & cocktail bar
  • Mischloach Manot gifts
  • Music and a great time with friends
  • Professional Photoshoot

Motto: Latino, Latin America, costumes encouraged :-)

Registration deadline: Sunday, March 17, 2023 Participant fee with discount: Students €10; Young professionals €25; Suggested price for everybody who can afford it: €40

See Event on Facebook

15.-17.Dez. Sparkle Through The Darkness Shabbaton Mit Tollen Gästen Und Einer Super Atmosphäre

sparkle smallWe are delighted to invite you to spend a sparkling Shabbat Experience
with Rabbi David Delman (NY), Tuvia Shengait & Aliona & Emanuel from the Kite Association
What can you expect?

☑️  Students & Young Professionals from all over Germany and EU (18-35 years)
☑️  Warm shabbat atmosphere
☑️  Delicious meals
☑️  Exciting classes & workshops
☑️ Kite Show & Workshop with the board members of the Ukranian kite assocication "Illuminating the Night"
Participation fee: Entire program: Professionals 60€ ; Students* 40€
You may chose to participate only at a part of the program:
Program + One meal: Professionals 30€; Students* 16€
Hotel for 2 nights extra: Double room: Professionals: 90 € per person Students: 45 € per person / Single room: upon request
Reduction 5€ for members of the Jewish Community Frankfurt or early bird for students: 5 € reduction if you register until 20.11.2023 for the entire program (you can only use one reduction)
Registration deadline: 10.12.2023
Students are full-time students without income and young people with low budget
Kontakt: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!
Location: Jüdische Gemeinde Frankfurt


Friday, 15.12.2023
15:45 Mincha
16:00 Candle lighting
17:00 Reception & Kiddush & Sufganiot & Coffee
18:00 Ice-Breaker
18:30 Kabbalat Shabbat & Presenting guest speakers
19:15 Festive Shabbat Meal
1. Talk with Rabbi Delman
2. Talk with Tuvia Shengait
21:30 Oneg Shabbat, Stories, Songs
Shabbat 16.12.2023
9:30 Shacharit
12:00 Festive Shabbat Meal
1. Talk with Rabbi Delman
2. Talk with Tuvia Shengait
14:30 Mincha
15:00 Free Time
16:00 Seuda Shlishit + Talk with Rabbi Delman
17:20 Havdala
19:00 Meeting point for Kite Program "Illuminating the Night"
21:45 Bar
Sunday 17.12.2023
9:00 Shacharit in the Westend Synagogue
11:00 Brunch
11:30 Talk by Rabbi Delman
12:30 Kite Workshop
13:30 Good-Bye
Rabbi DelmannOur Guest: Rabbi David Delman grew up in Silver Spring, MD. After graduating from Yeshiva High School in 2000, Rabbi Delman spent the next 5 years studying at various Torah institutions in Israel which culminated in receiving his Rabbinic ordination from Yeshiva Ohr Somayach. In 2003 Rabbi Delman married Tova Kober, and together began a lifelong passion for Jewish outreach. Out of their home in Ramat Beit Shemesh, Rabbi & Mrs Delman undertook a program for at risk teenagers. The program was an instant success and many people today lead productive and fulfilling lives due to their efforts. In 2006 Rabbi and Mrs Delman moved to Austin, Texas to continue their outreach work at the University of Texas. After just one year, Rabbi & Mrs Delman accepted a position entailing greater responsibility with R.O.O.T.S at Stony Brook University. Simultaneously, Rabbi Delman completed graduate school at the Yeshiva University Wurzweiler program and now practices Social Work along side his Jewish outreach responsibilities. Now residing in Queens NY; Rabbi & Mrs Delman continue to open their home and their hearts to hundreds of college & high school students each year! Rabbi Delman now serves as Director of the J-Wave fellowships at CHAZAQ as well as director of NCSY Roslyn. He also teaches regularly at B’nos Binah & Ateres Naava seminaries in Brooklyn NY. Rabbi & Mrs Delman have seven beautiful children k”h. Pinchas (18), Sara Bracha (17),Tzivia Ahuva (14),Yocheved Gittel (13),Kayla (10),Yechezkel (6), and Mordechai Maanis (3).
 Sparkle Shabbaton

20.-22.Dez. Winter Shabbaton Mit J-EXP - Register Now

wintershabaton XL
We are delighted to invite you to spend a sparkling Shabbat Experience
with Ilja Polonskij, Meir Lisserman, Polina Lisserman, Tuvia Shengait and other special guests. 
What can you expect?

☑️  Students & Young Professionals from all over Germany and EU (18-35 years)
☑️  Warm shabbat atmosphere
☑️  Delicious meals
☑️  Exciting classes
☑️   Laser Tag Night and Sunday Workshop
When: 20th-22nd December in Frankfurt in the Jewish Community 
Participation fee: Entire program: Professionals 60€ ; Students* 40€
You may chose to participate only at a part of the program:

Program + One meal: Professionals 30€; Students* 16€ 
Hotel for 2 nights extra: Double room: Professionals: 90 € per person Students: 45 € per person / Single room: upon request
Reduction for complete shabbat participation of 5€ for members of the Jewish Community Frankfurt or early bird for students: if you register until 10.12.2024 for the entire program (you can only use one reduction)
Registration deadline: 18.12.2024
Students are full-time students without income and young people with low budget
Kontakt: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!
Location: Jüdische Gemeinde Frankfurt


Friday, 20.12.2024
15:45 Reception & Mincha
16:08 Candle lighting ceremony with Polina & Chani
16:30 Kiddush & Sushi & Coffee
Option 1: Ilja Polonskij - Icebreaker
Option 2: Meir Lisserman "Laws of Chanukka"
18:30 Kabbalat Shabbat
19:30 Festive Shabbat Meal with Dvar Torah
1. Talk with Ilja Polonskij (English/German) "Jewish Heroism"
2. Talk with Tuvia Shengait (Russian) "A portable feast - Праздник, который всегда с тобой"
22:30 Oneg Shabbat with gluhwein
Shabbat 21.12.2024
9:30 Shacharit / Morning Prayer
12:00 Festive Shabbat Meal with Dvar Torah
1. "Happiniss" Talk by Polina Lisserman (English/German)
2. "Чудеса на каждом моем шагу, где они и зачем они мне" Talk about miracles in everyday life by Liby Chernyavskaya (Russian)
15:40 Mincha
16:00 Seuda Shlishit with "Self-discovery" Talk by Meir Lisserman (English/German)
17:20 Maariv, Havdala, Preparing lunch packages for non-local guests
Free Time
19:30 Laser Tag Night, Meeting Point
Sunday 22.12.2024
9:00 Shacharit at the Westend Synagogue, Freiherr-vom-Stein Str. 30
11:00 Yammie - Cooking workshop and brunch at Maccabi
14:00 Good-Bye, Happy Hanukka and see you next time!

FR. 15.Sep.-17.Sep. Rosh Hashana Weekend - Forgiveness - Freedom - Hope

Liebe Freunde!
Bald ist es soweit! Vom 15.Sept.-17.Sept. 2022 ROSH HASHANA EVENT - Forgiveness - Freedom - Hope!!!
Wir wollen mit Euch in das Jahr 5784 starten! Die Planungen laufen schon auf Hochtouren.
We are delighted to invite you to spend this Rosh Hashana 5784 
with Rabbi Yossi Yudkowski, Tuvia Shengait and other special guests!
What can you expect?

*   Students & Young Professionals from all over Germany and EU (18-35 years)
*   Rosh HaShana in the familiar atmosphere
*   inspiring prayer & Shofar
*   delicious meals
*   exciting classes & workshops
Participation fee:
Entire program: Professionals 70€ ; Students 35€
You may chose to participate at a part of the program:
One meal: Professionals 35€; Students* 15€
Hotel extra:
Double room: 120€ per person
Single room: 250€
Early bird for students: 5 € reduction if you register until 28.08.2023 for the entire program
Registration deadline: 10.09.2023
*Students are full-time students without income
poster Rosh hashana
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See Event auf FB
Kontakt: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! unter 01794993028 bei Meir (Tagsüber am Besten über WhatsApp)
Ort: Jüdische Gemeinde Frankfurt
Selbstkostenbeitrag: Das gesamte Programm, incl. 5 Mahlzeiten:
  • Rosh Hashana Komplett alle Mahlzeiten: Berufstätig 70€ ; Student 35€ 
  • Einzelne Mahlzeiten mit Programm: Berufstätig 25€; Studenten/Schüler 15€
  • Das Seminar ist stark subventioniert, Teilnehmer außerhalb der Altersgruppe müssen leider den vollen Preis für die Mahlzeiten bezahlen.
  • Hotelpreise: Einzelzimmer 250€; Doppelzimmer 120€

Für Teilnehmer außerhalb Frankfurts werden wir günstige Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten organisieren. Du kannst Deinen Übernachtungswunsch im Formular angeben. Die Preise für die Hotelübernachtung werden in den nächsten Tagen bekannt gegeben.

Weil das Team aus Volontären besteht, die tagsüber ihrem Beruf nachgehen, kann es schon mal vorkommen, dass man die Teilnahme erst nach ein paar Tagen bestätigt bekommt. Wir bitten um etwas Geduld.

Das Programm: - Details to follow

Friday, 15th of September
Erew Rosh-Ha-Shana & Shabbat
19:00 Welcome Session
19:10 Candle lighting
19:15 Mincha / Ma'ariw
20:15 Festive meal with simanim
Shabbat, 16th of September
9:00 Shacharit
11:30 Kiddush Break, Snacks
12:30 Mussaf
14:30 Mincha
15:15 Festive Meal
Free Time
17:45 Seuda Shlishit & Talk
19:00 Activity
Rosh Hashana II Day
21:00 candle lighting / Maariv
21:30 Festive meal with simanim
Sunday, 17th of September
Rosh Hashana II
9:00 Shacharit
11:30 Kiddush Break, Snacks
12:30 Shofar /Mussaf
14:30 Mincha
15:15 Festive Meal
17:00 Shiur:
19:00 Festive Meal (before Tzom) & Talk
20:50 Maariv/Havdalah

Our Guests / Unsere Gäste

RAV YOSEF YUDKOVSKI was born in New York and grew up in Israel. Eight years ago he got married and moved with his wife to Basel, where he received his rabbinical ordination. Up till this day he continues with his Talmudic studies and helps students in Saint-Louis to learn to appreciate the deepness of the Jewish Bible. He speaks English, Yiddish, Hebrew and German.

$$$$$ Wir suchen Sponsoren, die uns durch Ihre Spende helfen den Selbstkosten Beitrag für die Teilnehmer so günstig wie möglich zu halten. $$$$$
Unser Spendenkonto: Jewish Experience e. V. | IBAN: DE44500100600398083606 | BIC: PBNKDEFF Postbank Frankfurt
Wir freuen uns schon auf Euch!! 

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