Fr. 12.Juli.-14.Juli: Summer Vibes Shabbat Experience mit einem tollen Gast

Jewish Experience & ADOM mit der Unterstützung der Jüdischen Gemeinde Frankfurt und des Landesverbands Hessens präsentieren den
  Summer vibes xl
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12.Juli-14.Juli: Summer Vibes Shabbat Experience with Rabbi Aryeh Smith
Short Facts:
Wann? 12.07.2024 - 14.07.2024
Wo? Jüdische Gemeinde Frankfurt
☑️  Students & Young Professionals from all over Germany and EU (18-35 years)
☑️  Warm shabbat atmosphere
☑️  Delicious meals
☑️  Exciting classes & workshops
☑️  Sunday brunch with activities
Participation fee:
Entire program: Professionals 60€ ; Students* 40€
You may chose to participate only at a part of the program:
Program + One meal: Professionals 30€; Students* 16€
Hotel for 2 nights extra:
Double room: Professionals: 90 € per person Students: 45 € per person
Single room: upon request 
Reduction 5€ for members of the Jewish Community Frankfurt or early bird for students: 5 € reduction if you register until 01.07.2024 for the entire program (you can only use one reduction)
Registration deadline: 08.07.2024
*Students are full-time students without income and young people with low budget
Das Programm:
Freitag 12.07.
19:30 Uhr Reception with cocktails, snacks & welcome circle with Aryeh Smith
20:15 Uhr Mincha
20:30 Uhr Kerzenzünden & Kabbalat Schabbat
21:00 Uhr festliche Mahlzeit mit Dvar Tora
23:00 Uhr ONEG SCHABBAT mit Rabbi Aryeh Smith
Samstag 13.07.
9:30 Uhr Schacharit / Morgengebet
12:30 Uhr Mahlzeit mit Dvar Tora
14:00 Uhr "Fighting Fear with Faith" - the tried and true approach to antisemitism" with Rabbi Aryeh Smith
15:30 Uhr Gemeinsamer Ausflug
17:30 Uhr Freizeitaktivitäten
20:30 Uhr Mincha / Nachmittagsgebet
21:00 Uhr Seudat Shlishit with sum up by Rabbi Aryeh Smith
22:00 Uhr Abschluss mit Liedern und Geschichten
22:37 Uhr Maariv und Havdala
Sonntag 14.07.
09:00 Uhr Schacharit (Westend) optional
11:00 Uhr Picknick mit einem Brunch at Palmengarten & Rowing
15:00 Uhr Abreise

Unser Special Guest - Rabbiner Aryeh Smith:

aryeh smithRabbi Arye Smith is a global motivational speaker and entertainer. Drawing from his background as an ordained Rabbi and Chaplin he includes spirituality and the teaching of the Torah into his fresh pop-culture infused style. Aryeh enjoys entertaining at a variety of venues across the country and world. He loves performing inspirational poetry at New York’s famous Nuyorican Poets Café, and enjoyed his role in an off-Broadway production of Fiddler on the roof. Aryeh has also filled elegant ballrooms across the country with his beautiful voice and beloved inspirational speeches at Weddings and Shabbatons. A teacher at heart Aryeh created 10 Latte n’ Learning center for Jewish high school students across Long Island as the Director of Long Island NCSY and created his hit program, Praying Alive Workshop Theater. Combining his passions for Jewish youth and Israel Aryeh has proudly lead four trips to Israel, including a special leadership trip to poland and a Taglit birthright trip. Recently Aryeh received the prestigious “Leader in Jewish Education” award of Long Island at the Jewish heritage reception and has currently been focusing his energies on the new Jewish dating organization, DVASH where he is Vice President. Aryeh is happily married. For more information on Aryeh Smith you can find him on Facebook and Instagram.
Summer vibes xl

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