Fr. 12.Juli.-14.Juli: Summer Vibes Shabbat Experience mit einem tollen Gast
Jewish Experience & ADOM mit der Unterstützung der Jüdischen Gemeinde Frankfurt und des Landesverbands Hessens präsentieren den
12.Juli-14.Juli: Summer Vibes Shabbat Experience with Rabbi Aryeh Smith
Short Facts:
Wann? 12.07.2024 - 14.07.2024
Wo? Jüdische Gemeinde Frankfurt
☑️ Students & Young Professionals from all over Germany and EU (18-35 years)
☑️ Warm shabbat atmosphere
☑️ Delicious meals
☑️ Exciting classes & workshops
☑️ Warm shabbat atmosphere
☑️ Delicious meals
☑️ Exciting classes & workshops
☑️ Sunday brunch with activities
Participation fee:
Entire program: Professionals 60€ ; Students* 40€
Entire program: Professionals 60€ ; Students* 40€
You may chose to participate only at a part of the program:
Program + One meal: Professionals 30€; Students* 16€
Program + One meal: Professionals 30€; Students* 16€
Hotel for 2 nights extra:
Double room: Professionals: 90 € per person Students: 45 € per person
Single room: upon request
Reduction 5€ for members of the Jewish Community Frankfurt or early bird for students: 5 € reduction if you register until 01.07.2024 for the entire program (you can only use one reduction)
Registration deadline: 08.07.2024
*Students are full-time students without income and young people with low budget
Das Programm: